The receiver is a letter home, the first area that we are crossing gate. Your image is very important for achieving a warm home.
The light and feeling of spaciousness are key when decorating. Takes note of the best ideas for profitable space.
The first thing to keep in mind when decorating the hall is that, apart from being decorative, as a prelude to what the visitor will find in the rest of the house must be functional.
The lobby is the first room we walk to get outside, so it may be the perfect place to store winter clothes, shoes, keys ... There are plenty of furniture designed to meet these functions.
The available space will determine the type of decoration. It should also be borne in mind that its size must be balanced against the rest of the house. If it is too large, it is collected and recreate a cozy lobby, with several furniture arranged so that the wrap. If, however, the house is small, it is best to try to create a spacious feeling, properly combining the colors and lighting and placing little furniture, always stuck to the wall.
When there is the hall itself, but that the entry is made directly to the salon, you can create a small vestibule, to gain privacy by placing a screen or a wardrobe that acts as a separator. If the lobby houses a staircase leading to other floors of the house, it hit the furniture to the sides and keep the central area clear for not blocking the way (we recommend leaving at least 90cm).