The basic idea is this: we are to take at least 2 pure geometric shapes and arrange them according to at least 3 principles of grouping. Then we will bring our 2D designed before the class and have them and the Professor evaluate our concept, take into account their suggestions for improvement, and turn in a final 2D sketch, at which point we begin construction on the 3D model. For the 3D model, we expand our 2D sketch upward in a creative way that further enhances the concept.
So, here is my rough draft for the 2D drawing, before it goes up for evaluation. I've explained the concept below:
1. Axis, Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythmn, and quite possibly Datum and Transformation. Datum if my perimeter were one large hexagon that encompassed everything. Transformation if I used Triangles to split the hexagons, and perhaps pie wedges, and showed them with rotations throughout.
2. Golden Scale - I gave Golden Scale a lot of thought on this one, but because of the nature of hexagons, I had to use a different Fibonacci sequence, so I started with 2's.
2, 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 26, 42...
- the width of the smallest hexes (2) is golden scale to the width of the medium hexes (4), and the largest currently drawn hex (16).
- the width of the smaller cluster of hexes (6) is golden scale to the width of a medium hex and (4) the larger hex (16).
- the part where the small circles connect to the medium hex cluster divides the entire arrangement horizontally into golden scale. (9.5 / 6)
- the part where the small hex cluster borders the medium circle divides the entire arrangement horizontally into golden scale (6 / 9.5)
- the center of the small hex cluster divides the entire arrangement vertically into golden scale on either side of the axis (4/6 or 6/4).
4. The circumference of each circle fits either a matching hex cluster or the largest hex. (small circle = small hex cluster, medium circle = medium hex cluster, large circle = large hexagon)
5. The linear arrangement is precisely arranged if using a triangular isometric grid system.
- the center of the medium hex cluster corresponds diagonally to the medium circle on the opposite axis.
- the smaller hex cluster lines up horizontally with the edge of the medium hex cluster and medium circle, diagonally with the centers of both the small circle and medium hex cluster on the opposite side of the axis.
- the centers of the largest hex and largest circles are aligned along the axis.
- the centers of the medium cluster, medium circle, and small circle, form the boundaries for the large hex and large circle.
7. As for the 3D ideas churning around, so far the main one I have is a dome for the large circle, and possibly raising the largest hex up on columns, making it look sort of like a greek temple, or, if it's supposed to be solid, then the transformation would come into effect by possibly dividing the hexes into triangles and having their triangles evolve form within the hexes from left to right. Or, alternately, having the hexes that make up the two clusters at different heights to one another forming a spiral staircase effect.